Victoria Chan
From China
Born November 12th, Scorpio
Speaks Cantonese, Mandarin & English
Victoria has been singing since the day she could string together notes. She was influenced by movies such as Mary Poppins, The Sound of Music and could sing "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" by the age of 3, when she also started ballet and tap dancing lessons, followed by ballroom and Latin dancing later in her life.
No stranger to musical theatre, Victoria attended the Junior Music Choir programme at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and has been involved in over 100 productions around Asia, including the 2008 Beijing Olympics Torch Relay song, “Light the Passion, Share the Dream”.
Victoria telah mulai bernyanyi sejak suatu hari dimana ia bisa string bersama catatan. Dia dipengaruhi oleh film seperti Mary Poppins, The Sound of Music dan bisa menyanyi"Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" pada usia 3 tahun , ketika dia juga mulai belajar balet dan menari tap , diikuti oleh ballroom dan menari tarian Latin kemudian hari di dalam hidupnya.
Dia Tidak asing dengan teater musikal, Victoria menghadiri Choir Program MusikJunior di Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts dan telah terlibat di lebih dari 100 produksi di Asia, termasuk lagu Olimpiade 2008 Beijing Relay Obor, "CahayaSengsara, Share the Dream" .
No stranger to musical theatre, Victoria attended the Junior Music Choir programme at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and has been involved in over 100 productions around Asia, including the 2008 Beijing Olympics Torch Relay song, “Light the Passion, Share the Dream”.
Dia Tidak asing dengan teater musikal, Victoria menghadiri Choir Program MusikJunior di Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts dan telah terlibat di lebih dari 100 produksi di Asia, termasuk lagu Olimpiade 2008 Beijing Relay Obor, "CahayaSengsara, Share the Dream" .